
Run untrusted Javascript code in a multi-tenant, isolated environment

Let’s say we want to run this untrusted code:

// untrusted.js

module.exports = {
  sum: (a, b) => a + b

This will be our simple isolated runtime setup:

// index.js

const { IsolatedRuntime } = require("isolated-runtime");
const debug = require("debug")("basic-example");

module.exports = async function run() {
  // create a new instance
  const runtime = new IsolatedRuntime();

  // run with root as this folder, and let the args be 2 and 3
  const result = await{
    root: __dirname,
    file: "untrusted.js",
    funcName: "sum",
    args: [2, 3]

  // the result is retrieved asynchronously
  debug({ result }); // { result: 5 }

  // shutdown the runtime will closed all VMs and kill all open threads
  await runtime.shutdown();

  return result;