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Firstly, we'd like to express deepest appreciation to the community that makes open-source projects possible. The contributions, feedback, and support from various individuals and organizations are invaluable, and have played an integral part in the development and refinement of jest-allure2-reporter.

Special Thanks

Special thanks goes to:

  • Jest team for creating and maintaining an incredible testing framework that serves as the foundation for this project.

  • Allure Framework team, for developing Allure, the flexible and feature-rich reporting framework that this reporter integrates with.

  • Wix Incubator, for providing jest-metadata, a tool that significantly enhances the capabilities of Jest tests.

  • Docusaurus team, for developing the fantastic Docusaurus platform, which made the documentation of this project so much easier to create and manage.

The Noun Project

We also want to acknowledge the creators of the icons used throughout our documentation. Each icon adds value to our visual presentation and helps to create a more user-friendly experience:

Those icons have been licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, and hereby we express our gratitude to the creators for making them available to the public.

Last but not least

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has used, contributed to, or otherwise supported Jest Allure 2 Reporter. Your feedback and support are incredibly valuable and greatly appreciated.