React components inside markdown

To use react components inside markdown, create a components map file and add mdComponents prop inside ./site.yml:

# ./site.yml
  # path to the react components map
  path: ./docs/playground-components.js

  # [optional] links to external styles. Will be added to the html head tag.

  # [optionsl] links to external scripts. Will be added at the end of html body.

path should be a valid path to a js file which could be handled by the default gatsby config.

// ./docs/playground-components.js

import React from 'react';

function Demo1() {
  return <span>!DEMO1!</span>;

function Demo2() {
  return <span>!DEMO2!</span>;

export default {
  demo1: Demo1,
  demo2: Demo2,

NOTE: You can use css modules and sass with your react components inside md.

Use components in any md file:

<!-- -->

# Demo



NOTE: Logic for md components is inspired by rehype-react, and based on hast-to-hyperscript, so has the same caveats.