At Wix, we use the override experiment values when testing (so our code base does not go stale) and when support want to imitate a certain user’s experience.

Use the petri_ovr=The-Key:The-Value query parameter to override the value returned from Laboratory’s conduction to ‘The-Value’. The end url should look something like this: http://yourUrl?petri_ovr=The-Key:The-Value

The value will be overridden regardless of the current settings. For example, even if the experiment has 100% for the ‘off’ option, and even if the given user does not pass any filters you may have defined on that experiment.

To override multiple experiments concatenate them with a semicolon as a delimiter: ?petri_ovr=The-Key:The-Value;Other-Key:Other-Value

Note: The value must be one of the testgroups defined on the experiment