Emitted when JavaScript within the page calls one of console API methods, e.g. console.log or console.dir. Also emitted if the page throws an error or a warning.
Emitted when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as alert, prompt, confirm or beforeunload. Puppeteer can respond to the dialog via Dialog's accept or dismiss methods.
Emitted when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images, and subframes to finish loading.
Emitted when the page crashes.
Emitted when a frame is attached.
Emitted when a frame is detached.
Emitted when a frame is navigated to a new url.
Emitted when the JavaScript load event is dispatched.
Emitted when the JavaScript code makes a call to console.timeStamp
For the list of metrics see page.metrics
Emitted when an uncaught exception happens within the page.
Emitted when the page opens a new tab or window.
Emitted when a page issues a request. The request object is read-only. In order to intercept and mutate requests, see page.setRequestInterceptionEnabled.
Emitted when a request fails, for example by timing out.
Emitted when a request finishes successfully.
Emitted when a response is received.
Emitted when a dedicated WebWorker is spawned by the page.
Emitted when a dedicated WebWorker is terminated.
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Emitted when the page closes.