continuous if true - drag will be executed pixel by pixel dragPixelsAmount times if steps are not defined.
If steps is defined, it would be dragged to location by number of iterations that equal dragPixelsAmount / steps.
tempSteps Array of Points with actions. Allows to drag to alternative location before end location and do
action there before mouse.up().
Example of usage: You get element from panel, drag it to another location. Moving element outside panel triggers panel to be closed.
But you need element's location under panel, so you need it to be closed first.
beforeMouseUpAction Async function that is executed before mouse.up()
afterMouseUpAction Async function that is executed after mouse.up();
steps number of steps, in which complete drag would be executed.
Default - 1, if continuous is not enabled.
continuous if true - drag will be executed pixel by pixel dragPixelsAmount times if steps are not defined. If steps is defined, it would be dragged to location by number of iterations that equal dragPixelsAmount / steps.
tempSteps Array of Points with actions. Allows to drag to alternative location before end location and do action there before mouse.up(). Example of usage: You get element from panel, drag it to another location. Moving element outside panel triggers panel to be closed. But you need element's location under panel, so you need it to be closed first.
beforeMouseUpAction Async function that is executed before mouse.up()
afterMouseUpAction Async function that is executed after mouse.up();
steps number of steps, in which complete drag would be executed. Default - 1, if continuous is not enabled.