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Observable is a class that represents a stream of values. It is similar to Promise in that it is a container for a value that will be available in the future. However, unlike Promise, Observable can emit multiple values over time.

const isLoggedIn = new Observable(false);
isLoggedIn.subscribe((nextValue: boolean) => {
if (nextValue) {
console.log('User is logged in');
} else {
console.log('User is logged out');


new Observable(initialValue?)

Creates a new Observable instance with an optional initial value.


  • initialValue? - The initial value of the Observable. Defaults to undefined.


  • It's possible to instantiate an Observable without an initial value, but it's not recommended, as its value will be undefined until it's set for the first time which can lead to unexpected behavior.


The subscribe method is used to listen for changes to the Observable's value. It returns a function that can be used to unsubscribe from the Observable.


  • onNext - A function that will be called whenever the Observable's value changes. It receives the new value as an argument.


  • unsubscribe - A function that can be used to unsubscribe from the Observable.


The unsubscribe method is used to unsubscribe from the Observable a specific onNext callback.


  • onNext - The onNext callback to unsubscribe.

set value

The value property is used to set the Observable's value. Changing the value will trigger all subscribers and will trigger a rerender if the Observable is used in a Component or a Hook.

get value

The value property is used to get the Observable's current value.

async first<T>(): Promise<T>

The first method is used to get the Observable's first value. If the Observable has no value, it will wait for the first value to be set and return it.


  • Promise - A Promise that resolves to the Observable's current value if it has one, or waits for the first value to be set and resolves to it.


Conditional rendering of a component

See Conditional rendering of a component for a detailed explanation of this example.