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The Components Repository

The component repository is a map of data type to AutoView React components used to render a field of that data type.

In essence, the component repository is a map of

Map<type => React.ComponentType<AutoViewProps>>

An AutoView React Component has the signature


AutoViewProps has a lot of properties, but the most important is the data prop which is the field data the component has to render.

Usage of the Component Repository

The main use of the component repository to provide AutoView a set of component to render for different data types.

One common pattern is to replace views by replacing the Component Repository with another, for instance shifting from a single column layout to a dual column layout, or from a Card layout to a Table layout.

The ComponentsRepo class provides function to create, clone, modify or apply aspects (wrap) on the Components Repository.

The ComponentsRepo Class

The ComponentsRepo is the main implementation of the Component Repository. It takes two parameters

  • name: Repository name
  • getNodeType: the callback that resolves the type from the JSONSchema leaf (more on the callback below)

Example - A simple repository example

import {ComponentsRepo} from '@autoviews/core';

export const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('displayRepo')
.register('string', {
name: 'textComponent',
component: props => <span>{}</span>
.register('number', {
name: 'numberComponent',
component: props => <span>{}</span>
.register('boolean', {
name: 'booleanComponent',
component: props => <span>{ ? '+' : '-'}</span>

The register function

The repository register function adds a new component to the repository per data type.

register(type: string | symbol,
record: ComponentRepoRecord<AutoViewProps>)

export interface ComponentRepoRecord<P> {
name: string;
component: React.ComponentType<P>;
predicate?: Predicate;


  • type: the name of the JSONSchema's type, such as "string", "object", "number", or a Symbol
  • record: the repository record, which provides information on the registered component
    • name: the name of component within the repository, for later reference
    • component: the actual component
    • predicate: a predicate computed on the schema field, if to use the component for that schema member

The getNodeType constructor parameter

The getNodeType callback allows defining how to calculate data type for the JSONSchema nodes. The return value of the callback is used to match with registered component record types.

getNodeType: (node: CoreSchemaMetaSchema) => (string = node => node.type);

The default getNodeType implementation returns the type field of the JSONSchema node. getNodeType can return any string value, which can be used to extract any mapping of JSON Schema nodes to type name.

Example - using getNodeType with JSONSchema enum

One example of when getNodeType is useful is with JSONSchema enums. JSONSchema does not define an Enum type, rather it considers enum as a constraint on other types.

The JSONSchema enum is defined as

"enum": ["red", "amber", "green"]

The following defining the getNodeType maps the enum JSON node into enum type name

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('myRepo', node =>
'enum' in node ? 'enum' : node.type
myRepo.register('enum', {
name: 'select',
component: SelectComponent

Example — Using custom JSONSchema types

Let’s assume we have a custom type name on the JSONSchema called myCustomType. We can support it like the below example

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('myRepo', node => node.myCustomType);
myRepo.register('user', {
name: 'user-card',
component: UserCardComponent

Registering multiple components per JSONSchema data type

Multiple components can be registered for the same data type. When registering multiple components, by default, the last registered component will be selected.

Registering multiple components allows selecting components using predicates or UISchema.

Predicates are used when the condition is computed on the JSONSchema, such as maxLength, maximum or required. A concrete example is selecting the Slider component when a number has maximum and minimum constraints.

UISchema is used when we want to select a specific component or pass properties to the component on a specific JSONSchema path (JSONPointer).


Predicates are functions defined when registering a component, defining when to use the component based on the JSONSchema and Component's props.

If predicates returns true and the current component is the latest registred component, it will be used by AutoViews (conidering there is no override in UISchema.components).

The idea of Predicates is to target special cases only, when you registring components for the same type multiple times.


If you register component without predicate after the one with predicate, component without predicate will be choosen (because it is latest), even if predicate returns true.

The Predicate signature is

export type Predicate = (
node: CoreSchemaMetaSchema,
props?: AutoViewProps, any[]
) => boolean;


  • node: is the JSONSchema node the component is considered for
  • props: is the same AutoViewProps object which current component has

Example — selecting Slider component for numbers with min & max constraints

name: 'slider',
component: Slider,
predicate: node =>
node.hasOwnProperty('minimum') && node.hasOwnProperty('maximum');

The node in the example above is the current JSONSchema node for the Slider component. In this example the predicate applies the Slider component only for number type JSONSchema nodes that have defined the minimum and maximum constraints.

Using Multiple Repositories

In many applications we want to have multiple component repositories.

The best example is when we want to render different layouts (such as card, table, grid or different form layouts) at which each we want to have different sets of components. In such a case it makes sense to use multiple component repositories, which gives us a few features:

  • Change layout by changing repository.
  • Partial loading — loading one repository at a time.


The clone function allows to deep copy a repo including all the components. Repository cloning is useful when in need of multiple repositories, for creating a base repository which is cloned and extended, by adding more components, replacing components or adding wrappers.

Once cloning a repository, any additional action on the cloned repository do not affect the base repository, including adding wrappers (addWrapper), removing components (remove) or replacing components (replace and replaceAll).

clone(name: string, getNodeType?: GetNode)

Example - cloning a repo

Cloning the myRepo defined above

const myRepoClone = myRepo.clone('myRepoClone');


addWrapper allows wrapping all or some of the components of a repository with another React component.

addWrapper is very useful when combined with clone as it allows extending a base repository

addWrapper(fn: WrapperFunction, rules?: IncludeExcludeRules)

export type WrapperFunction = (
item: JSX.Element,
props: AutoViewProps
) => JSX.Element;

export interface IncludeExcludeRules {
include?: string[];
exclude?: string[];


  • fn: the wrapper function, which accepts
    • item: the original React component
    • props: the AutoViewProps at the schema location
    • Returns: the wrapped component
  • rules: include and exclude rules for what types to wrap, by the component name as defined when registering the component

Example - wrapping all components with adding a title

(item: JSX.Element, props: AutoViewProps): JSX.Element => (

Example - wrapping all components with a table cell

(item: JSX.Element, props: AutoViewProps): JSX.Element => <td>{item}<td/>

Example — wrapping only 'number-input' component

(item, props) => (
include: ['number-input']

Example — wrapping all components except 'number-input'

(item, props) => (
exclude: ['number-input']


Removes previously registered component from the component repository by component name.

Example - remove a component from the repo

myRepo.register('string', {
name: 'string-component',
component: SomeComponent


Replace a previously registered component by component name.

replace ensures that the new component will have the same index (order) as the old one. It is important because by default <AutoView /> picks the last registered component in ComponentsRepo.

Example - replacing a single component

myRepo.register('number', {
name: 'number-input',
component: OldComponent

repo.replace('MyNumberComponent', oldRecord => ({
component: NewComponent


Replace all enables replacing multiple existing components with a given component. It is useful for replacing original components with higher order components.

Similar to addWrapper, replaceAll method allows defining include and exclude options (array of component names).

Example - replacing multiple components

record => {
const OriginalComponent = record.component;
return {
component: props => <OriginalComponent {...doSomethingWithProps(props)} />
include: ['number-input', 'text-input']


The composeRepos utility creates a new repository by composing multiple repositories into one. The utility is not a member of the ComponentsRepo, rather it is imported independently.

declare function composeRepos(
config: {
name: string;
getNodeType?: GetNode;
...repos: [ComponentsRepo, ...ComponentsRepo[]]
): ComponentsRepo;

Example - creating a new component repo from 2 repos

With this example we assume we have two component repos, formLayoutRepo for our form layout components and inputsRepo for input components. We create a new repo by

import {composeRepos} from '@autoviews/core';

const newRepo = composeRepos(
{name: 'RepoToRenderForms'},