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The optional UISchema represents additional instructions for how AutoView is to render the data. It is used to modify the rendered components, by selecting a specific component for a specific property, ordering object properties or grouping properties.

Usage of UISchema

The best practice is to use UISchema allowing users to order or group fields or change which component to use for a field. It can be used as a base for saving user setting views or as a way for applications to fine tune forms.

The UISchema is not the best tool to switch layouts (from gallery to cards to table) as it assumes all the components are available for rendering. To switch layouts, replacing a component repository is a better solution.

Properties of UISchema

NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
hintsUIHintsOverrides{}Hints to modify
hints[pointer:string]UIHintsHints to modify
hints[pointer:string] .order(string/string[])[]Defines the desired order and/or layout of the fields to be rendered for an object. It is up to the object component to use the order hints.
hints[pointer:string] .hiddenstring[]Defines which fields should be hidden. It is up to the object component to use the hidden hints.
hints[pointer:string] .uiGroupsUIGroup[]Defines field groups. It is up to the object component to support field groups.
hints[pointer:string] .uiGroups.namestringDefines the name of a fields group.
hints[pointer:string] .uiGroups.titlestringDefines the title of a fields group.
hints[pointer:string] .uiGroups.fieldsstring[]Defines which object fields are included in the group.
hints[pointer:string] .autoFocusJSONPointerDefines which component should be focused when first rendering the form. It is up to the components to implement support for Autofocus.
componentsRepoPointersCollection{}Defines component overrides and component options
components[name: string]RepoPointersThe name of the Components Repository to apply the component hints to.
compoennts[name: string] [pointer: string]ComponentOptionsThe location in the JSONSchema using JSONPointer to apply the component override
compoennts[name: string] [pointer: string].namestringThe name of the component to use at the above location, which has to be available in the above component repository
compoennts[name: string] [pointer: string].optionsanyOptions to pass to the component at the above location

the components overrides

The components field in UISchema is responsible for component overrides - defining which component <AutoView/> should choose for a given field and what options this component should get.

By default, <AutoView/> picks last component record registered in the components repository for each type. When registering two (or more) components for a specific type, the last one will be used by default.

The components overrides defines that for a specific JSONPointer in the data JSONSchema a component with specific name should be chosen.

the getComponentOptions utility

The getComponentOptions utility function enables a component to extract the component options from the UISchema.

In most cases, it will be used as

export const myFunctionalComponent = props => {
let componentOptions = getComponentOptions(
return (/*... the actual component */)

Example - component override and options

In this example we show how to use the components overrides to render texts using one of three text components

  1. A styled text component, which gets the styles from the component options
  2. A header text component
  3. A Default paragraph component

The example shows how to render

  1. the title field using the header component
  2. the author field using the styled component, with blue text
  3. the content field using the paragraph component
  4. the status field using the styled component, with blue background and white text

The UISchema to use is then

export const uiSchema: UISchema = {
components: {
MyRepo: {
title: {
name: 'headerText'
author: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'blue'}
status: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'blue'}

Notice there is no need to define that the content field is using the paragraphText as it is the default component for the string type.

Given the components repository

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('MyRepo')
.register('string', {
name: 'styledText',
component: props => (
.register('string', {
name: 'headerText',
component: props => <h1>{}</h1>
.register('string', {
name: 'paragraphText',
component: props => <p>{}</p>
//... other components;

And given the Schema

const postSchema: CoreSchemaMetaSchema = {
$id: 'post',
type: 'object',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Post Title'
author: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Author'
content: {
type: 'string',
title: 'The Full Comment'
status: {
type: 'string',
title: 'Approval Status'

The hints UI hint

The hints member of UI hints defines additional instructions that object components in ComponentsRepo might implement. The instructions, or hints, are field ordering, field hiding, grouping or autofocus.

The hints UI hint defines that for a specific JSONPointer in the data JSONSchema specific instructions should be applied.

The Hints can be applied in two ways -

  1. without ui groups
  • order defines fields to be rendered in a specific order, it is also possible to provide 2d array of strings in order and use orderToTemplateAreas utility for nice use within CSS Grid: example
  • hidden defines fields to be hidden
  • autofocus defines a field to be autofocused
  1. with ui groups
  • uiGroups defines a field group. Groups are to be rendered in the order defined
  • defines the group name
  • uiGroup.title defines the group title
  • uiGroup.fields defines the fields of the group, to be rendered in the specified order

When using groups, there are two 'special' keys - OTHER_PROPERTIES and UNGROUPED.

  • OTHER_PROPERTIES is a special 'field' key that signifies a named group includes all properties that are not included in any other group
  • UNGROUPED is a special group that includes all properties that are not included in any other group

Example - the order and hidden hints

This example shows how to use the order and hidden hints on the above postSchema schema, to

  1. order the fields as title, content, author.
  2. hide the status field.

The UISchema in this case will be

export const uiSchema: UISchema = {
hints: {
'': {
order: ['title', 'content', 'author'],
hidden: ['status']
components: {
MyRepo: {
title: {
name: 'headerText'
author: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'blue'}
status: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'blue'}

The repo object component has to support the hidden and order hints - see more about creating object components. For this example, the object component can be

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('MyRepo')
// ... other components
.register('object', {
name: 'MyObjectComponent',
component: props => <AutoFields {...props} />

Example - the uiGroups hint

This example shows how to use the uiGroups hint to group fields:

  1. The title and content fields as one group
  2. The author and status fields as a second group.

The example also shows how to build an object component that renders

  1. The groups separated with an <hr/> line
  2. The groups with a <h2> group title based on the group title field.

The UISchema in this case will be

export const uiSchema: UISchema = {
hints: {
'': {
uiGroups: [
name: 'group 1',
title: 'The Post',
fields: ['title', 'content']
name: 'group 2',
title: 'The Post Metadata',
fields: ['author', 'status']
components: {
MyRepo: {
title: {
name: 'headerText'
author: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'blue'}
status: {
name: 'styledText',
options: {color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'blue'}

and the object component will be

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('MyRepo')
// ... other components
.register('object', {
name: 'MyObjectComponent',
component: props => {
const {uiGroups} = getHints(props.uiSchema, props.schemaPointer);

if (!uiGroups) {
return <AutoFields {...props} />;

return (
{ => (
// this utility retrieves `OTHER_PROPERTIES` used in `UIGroups` as well
<hr />

With the above object component the example

  1. extracts the uiGroups using the getHints utility.
  2. then for each group renders the <h2> title.
  3. using the AutoFields utility and the pick property to only render the fields of that group.
    • using the getPropertiesByGroupName to get the field names of the group, taking into account the OTHER_PROPERTIES and UNGROUPED keys.

the getHints utility

This example shows how to access the order and hidden hints of the UISchema for the current object component to be rendered. The getHints utility function lookups the hints given the current JSONPointer.

Example - extract the order and hidden hints

The following component will only render the list of hints, not the actual object data.

const myRepo = new ComponentsRepo('MyRepo')
// ... other components
.register('object', {
name: 'MyObjectComponent',
component: props => {
return (
order list is:
{' ' +
getHints(props.uiSchema, props.schemaPointer).order?.join(', ')}
hidden list is:
{' ' +
getHints(props.uiSchema, props.schemaPointer).hidden?.join(', ')}